

We rely a lot on you, our subscribers, to report important pieces of Prodigy news you might have found. When you think you've found news that you want to share with the rest of the Prodigy fans don't hesitate to report them to us. Simply send them in to report@prodigynews.co.uk and we'll handle the rest. Don't forget that your contributions are welcomed not only by us but also by hundreds of other Prodigy fans out there.

what kind of news are we looking for?

Just about anything connected with Prodigy really. Have you found a Prodigy interview in a magazine? A live report in your newspaper? Have you just been to a Prodigy show and seen them live? Spotted a new promo in your local record shop? Great, email us about it and we might use it and your contribution will be read by over 5000 Prodigy fans! Also include your name or nickname so we can credit you if we use your contribution. Whether you use you real name or a nick name is entirely up to you.

Please do not send us any attachments! If you want to send us an attachment, please contact us first and we will advise you where to send it to. We have to ignore all e-mails with attachments due to a large number of viri being sent to us.
