"Wanna hear some snoring?"

Happy Gilmore, Colchester Arts Centre, 1st July 2000

I'm on my way to Braintree, Essex. But no, I'm not here to stalk The Prodigy, as you all might think, no, I just gotta meet Smitty and Jane here and we're just here to drive to Colchester to see one of the first live appearances of Happy Gilmore, the band of Kieron Pepper, to some of you might familiar as Prodigy's live drummer. The sights of famous Braintree are very impressing and it is raining down. We're on our way to the nearby Colchester then. The gig is in the Colchester Arts Centre, a very unique venue indeed, it is in an old church! I really have to laugh as we get there, there's this little church, but it says 'Box Office' on it! And the entrance? You have to go through the graveyard! Ummm, nice.

We get in about at 8.30pm and there's about 60 people in there. Even the inside of the church still actually DOES look like a church, with graves at the side and stuff, but there's also a bar and a stage. On stage then very soon are the first band called Johnny Zivago. They play this sort of punky rock, have a very energetic singer, loads of good melodies and are generally really good and powerful! The audience in this venue is a bit weird. Unlike the usual '17-25' gig audience, here there's people from the age of 7 until 70. Really weird actually. Kids running around and stuff. But after all this is a church, isn't it?

Happy Gilmore live Johnny Zivago are finished now and Happy Gilmore are setting up the stage now. Kieron as a multi talent isn't playing the drums here, no, he is actually playing the guitar, the sampler and singing! They're a three piece, next to Kieron there's a bassplayer and a drummer (apparently the keyboarder has left), and the first thing you notice is that the drummer has a really 'weird face'. And then you notice it's only a mask!

So what kind of music are they playing then? A bit hard to say really! In a way they are a rock band, with the usual line-up consisting of bass, drums, guitar and a singer. But there is more. Next to all that they're also using a sampler, underlining the tracks with beats.

Happy Gilmore live

This is one of the first gigs ever that this band is doing, and you can tell they're quite nervous. But Kieron, as frontperson of the band, manages to get everyones sympathy from the very start, and doesn't fail to make us laugh more than once. For example when he plays us a sample: "This is a sample of my brother snoring on holiday" and while we laugh about the snoring it gives him time to tune his guitar. The audience is on their side now, although people are still standing a bit back, as often at smaller gigs like this.

happy gilmore live I like the last track they're playing, has some cool breakbeats and they also use some weird 'keyboard-style' instrument, I have never seen before. All in all a cool gig, I'd definitely go to see them again!

Next on are the headline band. They're called Drive. A female singer with 4 blokes on the instruments, it's a bit too poppy for me. They've got some good melodies and she has a good voice, but this just isn't what I would listen to in my spare time. But who cares, we were here for Happy Gilmore anyway.

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